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Dear all,


On a day when the wind is perfect,
The sail just needs to open
and the world is full of beauty.
Today is such a day.

There's a breeze that can Enter your Soul.


As parents from Sophia, this first home concert  is a very precious memory. To see how a lot of people helped us: the musicians Errol, Yumarya, Rooi Arie, Claire and Joanne.  It was a real concert with really qualified professional artists!!! We´re so gratefull.
To see Sophia speech with a lot of confidence about the MMCC.
And all the help of others; Ceril with the sound system, Simone and Jean Claude with the tents, Maurice for barkeeping, the neighbour for his garden, David for supporting Sophia, his inspirational thoughts and his good vibes and all the delicious food of the guests.  For all the invited who couldn’t come…you´ve  really missed something ;). The total amount collected for the MMCC uptill now is around 1000 euro.That´ s lot for …couples and ! Thank you so much!

But what David said: the money is not even the importance. It´s the awareness of a child of 7 who was the initiator of this idea and hopefully inspires others to rethink and review our values.
And I think he´s right.
I hope in 1 or 2 years we can organize a second Sophia´s Home Garden Concert. Sophia already has her ideas. And maybe you already know a few (semi) professional musicians/artists……:). We keep in contact!


Ryan and Heidy




In 2014/2015
a total amount of 2700 euro
was collected.
This also includes collection during 3 churchservices.
Thank you for your contribution!



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